Welcome to Rob’s Dogs Foundation, where every item donated makes a world of difference. The items we require are essential for the day-to-day care and well-being of these dogs. Your generous contributions go directly towards providing veterinary care and medical treatments. Donations allow us to cover routine check-ups, vaccinations, spaying/neutering surgeries, as well providing food, shelter, medical care, and more, allowing us to continue our mission of compassion and care. Thank you for being a part of our mission and for joining us in making a positive impact on the lives of stray dogs. Together, we can give them the love and care they deserve.

DONATE LIST: Rob’s Dogs Foundation Thailand


Thiopental Sodium



Metronidazale / Clearazole

Rimadyl inj. 20cc or Meloxicam

Injectable tolfedine

Shotapen LA/ Amoxykel LA

Alcohol 96%

Alcohol 70%


Autoclave, Small Ovens

Instapots (for Sterilizing instruments)

Clip medical curved 125mm

Surgical Needles 24 & 28 round

Surgical Needles 24 & 28 Triangle

Medical Stainless Steel Surgical Scissors Straight

Needle Holder Pliers 14/15mm

Round head uterine hook

Feather Surgical Blade (for scalpel size 4)

Dressing Tray Stainless steel

Scalpel Handle

Surgical Drape Clips

Surgical Drapes (Cat & dog size)

Sutures of any kind

0.9% sodium Chloride  NSS

Infusion Set

Sterilized Gauze Pads

Medical Tape large & small

Razors/Pet clippers

3ml Syringes

24G Needles

1 ml needle with Syringe

Insulin Needles

IV Catheters 24G

Pee Pads 60x60cm or larger  

Cotton Roll/cotton balls

Plastic spray Bottles

Latex Gloves L & M





Spot on treatments for cats or dogs

Terramycin ointment

Sticking plaster or tape

Elastic bandage wraps

Portable tattoo machine and inks

Hand sanitizer

Disinfectant (Chlorhexidine or Dettol)

Hydrogen Peroxide

Medium sized dog collars

Cat size collars

Medium sized cages

Cat & dog transport boxes

Stainless steel foldable operating tables

Stainless steel tables (examination/shaving prep)

Small stools with wheels for vets to sit on while operating

Electronic scalez

Office furniture


Mobile phones

Mobile lamps (like web steaming lamps / beauticians’ lamps/operating lamp)

(Must remain chilled):

Rabies vaccines

Dog 5 dis vaccines

Dog 6 dis vaccines

Cat 4 diseases vaccines

(all can be past expiry)






(all can be past expiry)

Zolitel 100mg

Xylazine 100mg

Tramadol Hydrochloride

Adrenaline (injectable)

Shotapen LA

Tolfidine (injectable)

Opsite spray


Any antibiotics for injection








Frontline spray

Spot on treatments for cats or dogs

Terramycin ointment

Likacin Amikacin Sulphate gel

Distemper Virus (CDV) tests

Parvo Virus (CPV/CCV) tests

Snap tests (blood parasites)


Syringes 3ml / 1ml

Surgical blades

Sutures 4/0 – 0 Size (absorbable or non-absorbable)

Swabs/ gauze

Sticking plaster or tape

Elastic bandage wraps

Examination/ surgical gloves size S/M/L

IV catheter 18G, 20G, 22G & 24G

Surgical drapes

Surgical instruments(must be new)

Portable tattoo machine and inks

Hand sanitizer

Disinfectant (Chlorhexidine or Dettol)

Malaseb Shampoo

Puppy milk

Medium sized collars

Medium sized cages (collapsible ideally)

Cat cages


(Must remain chilled):

Rabies vaccines

Dog 5 dis vaccines

Dog 6 dis vaccines

Cat 4 diseases vaccines

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