Our initiatives
At Robs Dogs, we are a passionate group of volunteers dedicated to
protecting and preserving wild dogs and cats, working to create a safer,
healthier environment for these often-overlooked animals.
Our Initiatives
Rob’s Dogs vision is for a compassionate world in which no animals are mistreated, abused or neglected.
Rob’s Dogs mission is to fund the sterilization of dogs and cats living on the streets and in low-income homes in South-East Asian countries.
Rob’s Dogs epitomizes a compassionate and impactful approach to animal welfare by preventing unwanted births and hence overpopulation of dogs and cats. We are driven by a desire for professionalism and positive change.

Sterilization Program
• To reduce the number of stray animals through CNVR (Catch Neuter Vaccinate Return) programs.
• To keep rabies and other infectious diseases at bay through vaccination programs.
• To collaborate with local communities and visitors to create awareness of the consequences of abandonment, abuse and neglect.
• To encourage local and international Veterinary Professionals to offer support by means of expertise, time and resources.
• To raise the funds and resources necessary to maintain the CNVR program.

Animal Welfare
Raising awareness in the community on animal welfare.
At Rob’s Dogs, we see all animals as beautiful creatures that make excellent human companions. For us, it doesn’t stop at just sterilizing dogs and cats, our overarching aim is to relieve the suffering of all animals
We aim to raise awareness in the broader community on broader animal welfare issues, such as:
- Animal testing for cosmetics, medicines etc.
- The horrors of factory farming for meat, dairy and eggs.
- Mistreatment and abuse of animals in the entertainment industry.
- At Rob’s Dogs, we believe that the lives of all animals matter.
- We are committed to promoting lifestyle changes that reflect a more compassionate existence.

Zero Waste & Upcycling
Rob’s Dogs is committed to the zero waste movement, and making our environmental impact as low as possible.
What we do:
- Clean beaches in our local area, recycling and upcycling as much of the “rubbish” as is possible
- Participation in recycling programs
- Supporting upcycling projects and products
- Commitment to add a zero waste/upcycled section to our online store
Saving The Bali Heritage Dog
During my initial trip to Bali, the sight of dogs freely roaming the streets and resting at family compounds’ gates overwhelmed me. Their varied colors and charming upright ears left me captivated. Only upon relocating to Bali to work with street dogs did I truly grasp the uniqueness of Bali dogs.
Despite assumptions due to their treatment, the Bali dog stands as a distinct and special breed. Researchers from the University of California Davis posited it that the Bali Dog, with its exclusive gene pool, might be the oldest dog on Earth.
Between 2000 and 2003, Dr. Niels Pederson and his team at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory tested the DNA of 3,500 indigenous Bali dogs. The island hosts two unique indigenous breeds – the Bali Dog and the highland Kintamani – virtually unaltered for 5,000 years. Genetic research traces the Bali Dog’s ancestry back around 15,000 years.
Bali’s dogs, according to Dr. Pederson, boast the richest genetic diversity globally. These indigenous dogs connect to the first proto-dogs that evolved from wolves, offering valuable insight into ancestral canines. Amid discussions of endangered species, the Bali Dog remains unspoken in conservation dialogues.
The Indonesian government deems there are “excess” Bali dogs, prompting regular elimination efforts. Imported western dogs interbreeding dilutes the Bali dog DNA. Regrettably, the Bali dog lacks formal recognition, as locals prefer imported “breed dogs” for status. Many are illegally imported, subjected to puppy mills, then discarded when ailing or aged.
Bali dogs exhibit diverse appearances, yet share a pure DNA pool. They make exceptional companions, known for their cleanliness and adaptability. Despite appearances, many Bali dogs are cared for or “owned” while roaming the streets.
Excellent guard dogs, Bali dogs offer specific barks for different warnings. They possess intelligence, humor, and distinct personalities.
At Rob’s Dogs, we strive to conserve the precious Bali heritage dog. Our efforts involve lobbying for official breed recognition, advocating for population control via sterilization, facilitating global adoptions, and educating Balinese communities about their cherished Bali dogs.
*Anecdotal evidence collected during my 2.5 years of living in Bali working with Bali heritage dogs